Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Recent Happenings

Last Tuesday I took Camden back to the doctor for ANOTHER antibiotic for his NEVER ending ear infections. But when he had a fever of 104 a few days later and was crying hysterically for hours at a time, as well as projectile vomiting, I figured he needed be to seen again. So back we went on Friday to find out he not only has a double ear infection still but a viral infection in his mouth. I felt better knowing I wasn't over reacting when the doctor had me take a look for myself. There were nasty blisters covering the poor kids throat. They looked just like this picture.
The doctor than began to inform me that this is a condition, such as a severe sore throat, in which spasmodic attacks of suffocating pain occur. WHAT!

So as the week went on I tried to remember what Camden's throat looked like, and how the doctor described what he must be feeling.
Now just because I was trying to remember those things, didn't make his clingyness(is that a word)... and constant crying, any easier!
Luckily we are back to eating normal food, the crying is less, the fever is down, the rash covering his legs is looking better, and he is only up once during the night.
This week we also had the privilege of hanging out with my Nanny and Papa. They were in town for the Sportsmen's Expo in Glendale. A few years ago they built a fishing lodge in Alaska and were advertising this weekend at the expo. I love it when they come each year for this because we always get to see them. We went out to eat a few times and also got to visit them at the show.
Camden had a blast watching the the "splash dog's" jump into the pool...
and pulling on Papa's white beard! Thanks for making time to hang out with us Nanny and Papa, we love you!


Rebecca said...

Oh my! How terrible! Poor little guy. Glad you went to the doctor. We'll keep him in our prayers. :)

Mimi said...

I am sooo sad for him right now. No baby should have to go through that. Good luck!

amy said...

Those mouth sores are the worst! Three of my four children got them and there's not much you can do for them. Rex thought his binky was making his mouth hurt so he chucked it and never took it back - made my life easier in the long run.

Unknown said...

bless you and your cute little one! You have had quite the eventful 9 months! ps the new phone # is 5052643