Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Holiday

Because I deemed today a holiday we didn't have to clean any bathrooms, do any laundry, or run any errands. It was such a nice and relaxing day, I think I might make up more holidays! Seeing how it was a sunny 83 degrees outside we decided to hang out at the park for awhile. When we first showed up I just about turned around when I saw swarms of children running around the park. But lucky for us they were all headed to the four charter buses waiting for them in the parking lot. So we decided to stay and I am so glad we did.
We packed a lunch for the two of us but Camden insisted on eating the grass and twigs he found on the ground. I seriously couldn't pry it away fast enough. Oh well, it's good for his immune system, right?
In an effort to reduce the amount of dirt inhaled, I had him stand on his stroller while he checked everything out around him.

Side note: You see that kid in the background? He was fishing with his mom and you should've seen how excited he was when he finally caught a fish! I tried to get a picture but just ended up looking like a creepy stalker mom!
Camden also decided that in honor of the holiday he would enjoy drinking from his sippy cup. He downed the entire drink in no time!

After the park we came home to "rest"(because we had such a hard day so far) while watching "Hairspray" , man I love that movie. And not too long after that we headed out to meet Dan for the fish fry his work puts on during Lent. All in all this was one good holiday, happy LEAP YEAR!


Casey said...

Cute fam!!! By the way this is from Casey at work. I'm here and you're not, hopefully you have the day off and enjoying it!

Mimi said...

Hey check out my blog for the giveaway update!

fivewalkers said...

I am so jealous that you have 80 degree weather! I can't wait for Spring. Cam is so dang cute. Give him a big hug for us!