I felt this baby move for the first time at 16 weeks. Then shortly after, I was getting nervous because that feeling stopped. It wasn't until this past week when I noticed movement again and now it never stops.
This time around I looked pregnant much sooner. I felt sick a little longer, but not as severe. I feel exhausted early on during the day. I crave sweetarts and salt. The thought of ground beef makes me nauseous. I am hungry enough to eat a cow everyday at 4 o'clock. I only change poopy diapers when Dan isn't home, they put me over the edge.
We are half way there, 20 weeks already! We find out what we're having in two days. I'm hopeful we'll have an easier time agreeing on a name, but I won't hold my breath.
Wish me luck!
Cute cake! I cant wait to find out what you are having!!!!
BO-DAGGOT!!!!! I've been hoping to find you somewhere. I saw jed smedly at church a little while a go and hopped he'd know how to get a hold of you... no luck. You're having numero dos eh? Crazy. email? shelbysea@gmail.com email me so we can catch up a little.
Yay babies! I'm glad your thoughts have changed direction. :)
um HELLO!!! Where have I been that I didn't know you were prego again???? CONGRATS!! love love love you!!
Lissa, what a cute blog. Your sister gave me your blog address. Your little boy is so cute! I love the pictures.
Yeah!!! I can't wait to hear what your having!!! Good luck
I'm so excited to find out what you're having! Glad you're feeling posative. Love the cake! I received one of those with the twins. What a great idea! You're so thoughful to make it for your friend! {{{hugs}}}
I'm DYING to know what your having!! Out with it!
I heard your having another BOY!!!! That's going to be so much fun
Lisa! I was just thinking about you the other day. I was remembering hanging out with ya in Provo! I miss you! How are you? Your little guy is a cutie
So cute! Is that for Kristen? I keep wanting to talk to her, but I don't know her that well and don't want to walk up and say, "You had fertility issues. I have fertility issues. Let's be friends." I'm dumb. You are too cute! I can't WAIT to find out what you are having. I don't know why the suspense is killing me!
so..... Female or male????
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