Thursday, August 28, 2008


There are lots of changes happening around here! Dan just got offered another job and will be starting next week. Along with this change comes both excitement for all the new stuff that lies ahead as well as a little nervousness for the unknown. We are both thrilled that his drive time to work will be cut down tremendously. No more getting up at 230 in the morning to be at work or waiting for him to get home after 9pm.

Because I didn't want Dan receiving all the attention for a new job, I decided to go back to work full time. Not really, but the benefits my work offer are hard to beat. So I too will be going back three days a week(12hr shifts). Not the most exciting change, but change nonetheless.

And while these changes were going on my Dad decided he was going to accept a job offer in Idaho. Not to mention my sister just moved to New Hampshire. What the crap people? Didn't you know these changes were not in my plans! Just kidding I am excited for both of them. Maybe someday all of us will live in one state again.

(This picture has nothing to do with this post, just thought it would make this more interesting)

I'm not sure why I have always been a little resistant to change. For some reason change is hard for me to accept even when I willingly bring it on myself. So as you can imagine the stress level inside of me has reached boiling point and is probably driving everyone around me crazy, but what can you do? I sometimes feel like just when things are starting to become routine and normal, Heavenly Father throws a little curve ball to be sure you're awake. Instead of just accepting it and hitting the ball, I choose to take it in the gut. I guess this means I need more batting practice, dang it!


Tawnya said...

Change always comes in huge amounts. Isn't it sad to realize that the fam won't be so easy to gather in the future?

Anonymous said...

Well...the only way we will live in the same state again is if everyone decides to follow me around. You may hate change. But I love it. Sorry sis! How does the east coast sound to you?

Cara Fish said...

Holy cow, that's a lot of change! Some good, some sad. And, you are definitely NOT the only one who isn't all about change. Just human nature. We like our little ruts. They're safe. Good luck to you and Dan with your new jobs!

Anonymous said...

Ah, come on, Idaho isn't so bad. I can't blame your dad for wanting to move here. I hope everything goes well with your new jobs. And pictures of Camden always make it better

Rebecca said...

Wow, that is a lot of change. I know it's hard, but I'm with your sis on this one. I love change! (Most of the time anyway.) I get bored without it. :) You guys will do great, as usual. Good luck with the new jobs.



If I was there I would give you a huge hug!! And then I would make us some half baked goodness!!! I love you


Im not going to lie..I hate that you are working full time now! I miss being able to call and talk whenever....dang work! P.S. Contractions have started but not too consistent so hopefully soon!!