Saturday, October 29, 2011


For the most part, our weather has been beautiful this past month.  I have found myself on many walks with the boys for entertainment and exercise.  Camden's frequent stops to pick up dandelions started to get to me until I paid better attention.  He was literally picking up every dandelion he saw to make a wish. The same wish.  One single wish that started to nibble on my emotions.

You see, I already had our cute and creative family costumes planned out.  My vision even included tricking Dan into dressing up with us.  But the one thing he kept wishing for started to eat me.  He was not talking about it in passing.  Not bringing it up one time.  But honestly wishing for it on every dang dandelion from our house to the park for the last month.

How could I not let his wildest dreams come true?  Even if it meant being mortified to admit I bought a trendy costume from Target.

I did it, I let his "wish come true" cause I knew it would make him "so so happy".  He picked "the most awesomest costume ever", and Jace too.

Can I just tell you how happy this made my kids.  They have been beaming from ear to ear.  Begging to wear their costume everyday.  So you better believe we have already worn it several times.  And because we are the awesomest, we have been two times to random corn field's nearby for a photo ops.

I bet you are dying to see the most anticipated and wished for costume of the year, aren't you?

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