Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Yesterday as I headed out the door from work I stopped by the staffing office and made it known if they wanted to cancel any of my upcoming shifts, I wouldn't mind. That was the most brilliant plan I think I've ever come up with.

So when my phone rang this morning at 5am I couldn't help but beam with excitement. When the man on the other line told me I was cancelled, I'm pretty sure I told him that I loved him. Some might find that a bit creepy, but in that moment I really did love him!

Seeing how I wasn't planning on being home anyway, I didn't feel obligated to accomplish anything other than relaxing. Camden and I stayed in our pajamas for most of the morning and ate breakfast while laying on the couch. After waking up from naps we decided to head over to Dan's work and let Camden try out his new clubs.
I'm pretty sure this was a proud moment for Dan! He was so excited to see Camden hit a club other than the plastic ones from Walmart. Had we let him, Camden would have stayed out there for hours. I enjoyed just sitting on the chair watching.

Afterwords we headed to Dairy Queen for a treat and then found ourselves once again on the couch watching Shrek 2.

Today was a good day!


BreeAnn said...

Yay! I'm so glad for you! That pic is adorable! I'm jealous you had a day like that...I need one too!...now if only I could get the weather here to look like the weather in your picture...It's snowing 3 inches today... :|

Casey said...
