Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fall Festivities

I'm pretty sure I'm meant to be a city girl, and I don't think I've always been this way.  I'm not sure if it will last forever, but for now...this is me.
We took the boys to Mother Nature's farm this year. It was hot, dusty, there were flies, and the animals smelled awful(I may or may not have been holding back gagging as we saw the baby piglets).  The hay ride hurt my body and was way too long.

 But...the boys loved it, every single second of it.  And that made this city girl completely satisfied!
 Everytime Jace put his face in this cut out, he growled.  He was the scariest scarecrow around.
 What is it with boys and tractors?
Camden was so proud of the "wittle" pumpkin he picked all by himself.  Jace was more interested in throwing every orange "ball" he could pick up.

Maybe next year I will have grown out of this city girl phase.  Or maybe we will attempt a pumpkin patch instead of a real farm.  Until then...happy fall!

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