Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 Months

Jace is 5 months old today(note to self-only 4 more months to loose baby weight). He is such a joy and such a good baby. He has the appetite of a teenage boy. We recently started feeding him baby food and he has downed it like a champ. He will eat two cans of food and then take a full 6-8 ounces of formula! If he keep this up he will definitely out weigh his brother in no time!
He is happy most all of the time and is easily entertained. He loves having a toy in his hand and will protest if it's taken away. He loves his bouncer and enjoys feeling a part of things while sitting up in the bumbo.

He usually takes two 1-2 hour naps throughout the day with an occasional cat nap here and there. He loves to be snuggled and gets plenty of it. He loves a binky and blanket to put him to sleep and is a champion at night. His hair is a must and always sticking up in the back. He is obsessed with Camden and laughs his hardest for him. He has mastered rolling all over the place and is working on putting his own binky in his mouth(he often settles for his thumb). We are so lucky to have him in our family!



I must come see you soon so I can hold that chunky baby!! Oh and you'd be proud of me Lissa I signed up for a sewing class!

Casey said...

Oh he is so super cute Lissa!!! Nice seeing you yesterday and BTW you look great!!

Tawnya said...

Wow, the time is flying. He is just the cutest little thing. Lucky for you!

amy said...

Four more months to lose the baby weight... Cody's almost 13 years old and there's still 10 pounds hanging around! Give yourself some time crazy lady!

Tracy said...

he is looking more and more like you every day (which means he is becoming ridiculously good looking)

Is there some sort of rule about the amount of time you have to lose baby fat?! Hmm no one told me that one.

DontYouWishYouWereUS said...

He is the sweetest boy ever.

Chad said...

Oh he looks just like benjamin button such an old man look hahahaha