Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

This Easter was sort of a bummer because I had to work.
Luckily Dan got it off and was able to take the boys on a little egg hunt in their cute new clothes!

While they were out having a blast I was on the 11th floor of the hospital freaking out when I felt the earthquake. Luckily it didn't last long and my panic attack was small:)

Happy Easter!


Anonymous said...

Look at your cute kids in their shorts!! I'm jealous. Our Easter Egg Hunt got snowed out. I love Jace's new haircut by the way, he looks so grown up.

Amy C said...

I can't believe you felt the earthquake! Scary! That's a bummer you had to work on Easter, but lucky that Dan got some pictures. Your kids are so cute and look so grown up!


Oh how I long for shorts and t-shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh how I long for shorts and t-shirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fivewalkers said...

An earthquake..Scary! Glad you okay. The boys look adorable!!

Adam and Andrea Daveline said...

Amazing Easter photos! They are so handsome!

The Herrons said...

Hey!! I can't believe our babies are 3!!! I hope Camden had a good birthday!!