Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just a few...

Reasons why I'm gonna miss Arizona.

I ugly cry just thinking about the friendships we've made here in Arizona.  We have been blessed!


Tracy said...

We were so sad not to make it. We were planning on it, but then got tied up. lame.

You will be missed. I hope you visit often!

Tawnya said...

Uh, remove that last picture immediately!!! Sick!

Bubbly Faces said...

I'm ugly crying RIGHT NOW! I'm not ready for this next week without you!

DontYouWishYouWereUS said...

Om my goodness. I almost cried just looking at all the pictures. There are so MANY great people in AZ, they make all that heat worth it. I am sad for you because you are leaving the best friends in the world.