I guess I was pretty spoiled when Camden started sleeping 12 hours a night at just 2 months old. So why can't he continue this pattern now? His(more like my) recent sleeping troubles got worse about a month ago when he decided he didn't want to take afternoon naps. Well, whats wrong with that you ask, lots of children won't take naps? Let me give you a run down of a typical day at our house.
-5am-Camden is awake and whining in his crib for someone to come get him
-6am-I give in, get him out of his crib, we eat breakfast
-630am-We, mostly he(I am half asleep still) plays with toys
-8am-Camden is starting to get ornery and we head off to the gym(the daycare doesn't open until now)
-930am-Camden is exhausted and falls asleep on the ride home
-11am-He is wide awake and done with his nap
-1130am-1200-lunch time
Don't ask me what gets done during this time other than keeping my child alive
230pm-Camden is whining and wanting to be held and crying "mama mama", we attempt a nap
330pm-Camden is still crying in his crib, attempting to take a nap
345pm-I give in and get him up from his "nap"
From this time until he goes to bed all he does is whine and rub his eyes!
730pm-Bedtime, he goes right down!
I have tried everything I can think of, good and bad. I tried getting up with him at 5am to start the day. I tried giving him a bottle in bed. I tried putting him in bed with me. I tried keeping him awake to take 1 nap during the middle of the day. I tried keeping him up later at night. No matter what happens during the day, how late or early he goes to bed, he is up at the same time. It is the same fight everyday! HELP, I don't know what else to try. Is this normal(whatever that means) behavior?
I love my son dearly and I understand many parents have worse things to worry about, but I'm sure many of you have been where I am now. And when you are in the middle of it, nothing is worse. Camden really is a good kid, other than he is exhausted every afternoon and I can't do a darn thing about it, or can I?
The only thing I can think of is it might be teething? Back molars always threw my kids off schedule. They had a hard time sleeping because their mouth hurt. I always had oragel and Tylenol on hand.
The only thing I can think of is it might be teething? Back molars always threw my kids off schedule. They had a hard time sleeping because their mouth hurt. I always had oragel and Tylenol on hand. Hang in there.
Yeah, maybe teething. My only suggestion is to go with it. He might be going through some changes in his "routine" and fighting it makes it worse for you. If you can get some extra sleep, do it. Take a nap when he does! That will help you get through the crabbiness. Hang in there, he'll get back into a schedule... It might not be the same as before, but he'll settle down. :)
Lissa, go out and get the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. I went through something similar with Finn. You just have to be consistant. You are the mom, he takes a nap when you say so. Keep up the good work, I know it is SO HARD! DON'T GIVE UP! It will get better. Call me. I love you.
Ohhh...I'm so sorry. I agree that consistancy really helps. Maybe if you found a blanket or stuffed animal and always give it to him when you put him down, and nowhere else. Do you have any of the baby Einstien DVD's. I turn them on so it's just a nice soft volume and have her watch them during lunch right before nap time. The music is soothing and they have so much motion in them that it keeps her attention and her little eyes get heavy. (I have the whole collection if you wanna borrow some) About 30 minutes before bed we turn off everything T.V. radio ect... and read or tell stories. We talk softly, not a whisper, just soft. I always do this while changing/bathing and while reading the bed time story. I think it helps. Hope you he adjusts soon. Keep us posted. :)
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