I've always dreamed of saving the world. You know, doing something so incredible that it had a positive affect on everyone and everything. But seeing how the chances of that happening are slim to none, I went for something a little less far fetched. Like traveling to a third world country to help perform life saving operations for those in need. Or living in an orphanage to love on and read to the children. Maybe lifting a train from a car with victims trapped inside. Hey, I can dream right?
And while I continue to dream, I have thought long and hard about something a little more realistic for me right now. And while I thought, I couldn't help but think of some examples that have inspired me.
Like my mom going around her neighborhood positioning certain peoples newspapers just so that when they opened their door it was easily at reach.
Or the stranger in the parking lot at Walmart who clearly walked out of his way to take my cart back so I could attend to my screaming children.
And I'll never forget Jill offering to bring dinner to my family when we were all sick with pneumonia and I on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
And the candy gram thank you from my sweet young women.
A card in the mail from Leslie who knew just what to say.
A vase of yellow flowers from Tiffani when there were no words to say.
The perfectly timed phone calls from Lauren who always knows when I need to talk.
And money for a birthday pedicure from my sister who recently lost her job.
Joycelyn sitting next to me at church to help with my boys when Dan was at work.
My list could go on for days. And I highly doubt any of these people thought twice about what they did. But I have. These moments, these people, these
Acts of
Kindness, changed my life.
So here's to saving the world one SAK at a time.